Friday 31 March 2017

Gifts that come with hands and legs.

Gifts that come with hands and legs.
Anything that is beautifully wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree with a bow on top takes the privilege of being called a Gift. Gifts come in various shapes and sizes; in colorful forms and prices. But there are gifts that fail to be acknowledged by us many a Times - the people around us.
You see them wherever you go, in all shapes and sizes, in all forms and faces, they're around you wherever you are. The gift of a mother, the gift of a father, the gift of a brother, the gift of a sister, the gift of a friend, the biggest gifts of all. 2017, we are in now and we seek the gifts of money, gifts of grants, of prizes to indulge in our wants. Little do we realize that people are the greatest of them all. Life is ironical in many phases, people with property disputes fight for 9 lakh rupees or a million more that they wish to have, but little do they realize that the family they lose is of much more value. The worst used and abused gift on earth would be the gift of mankind, as we refrain to walk and to talk; What we lose, we hardly mind. The Hugs and cries, the tears and laughter, those wonderful moments cannot be forgotten thereafter. Those scoldings and fights while crossing the line is also a part of the chapter, a very important one in fact cause' it shapes your character. Here below is a compilation of people who invisibly linger around in each of your lives. I’m sure it will remind you to think of the ones who have played these roles in your life to make it just the way it is, now.

The weaker one that brings out the courage in you,
The stronger one to whom your weaknesses you can show,
The crazy one to unhide your floppy side,
The sane one to get you back in line,
The responsible one who gives you the chills,
The freaky one who turns you into Miss.Responsible,
The advice giver who bleeds your ears,
The advice-seeker who helps you turn into a philosopher,
The fatter one that helps you go on a fast,
The thinner one who aids your taste buds,
The loving hands that cook for you,
The Master Chef that makes you cook,
The hurting one that makes you cry,
The complimenting one that makes you smile,
The dominant one that hurts your pride,
The encouraging soul that brings your potential outside,
The older aunt who is much more than a friend,
The younger one who is kinda like your fan,
The good one who speaks plain harsh words,
The plain one who spells hypocrisy in words,
The possessive one that holds you tight,
The pretend type that longs for you, inside
The one behind the scene, who shows up after the play,
The one that always makes your day,
The beautiful hearts that would give up for you,
The others that hold back and get everything from you,
The teller of your tales,
The one who tells you the tales,
The ones from whom you learn a lot,
The ones to whom you teach a lot,
The ones who would make you think,
The others who would only make you blink,
The one who wakes up to see you sleep,
The one who is awake just because you’re not asleep,
The one who fights for you,
The one who stands by you,
The one who will leave you and run away too,
The Strict officer with their rules and all,
The set of others, who break them all,
The one that hates you and shows how it feels,
The one that loves you and shows how wonderful it feels,
The Big Brave Men who express not their plight,
The Much Braver women who sing them over again,
Cherish each one and appreciate them all,
For there is not another, not another at all.

Much similarly, the Earth, the Sun, the mountains or the beautiful gardens were gifts for us but not the greatest, and the greatest gift of all is none but He himself. God in his wisdom chose not animals or gold, kingdoms or thrones, to reach out to mankind but came down, himself in human form, once for all to be the gift of everlasting times. And the Gift goes on, the Gift that came with hands and legs!

Sunday 12 March 2017

An Umbrella in the rain

 Psalm 118:29 NIV: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

With hands tight, just to hold on to, to know there's something more. Carried by love are those moments in which we shall never prevail otherwise. It's amazing how sometimes he hides from brittle hearts what they are going to face. Our Saviour knows what he's going to do, he's pretty much clear about it. What he wants at the moment is to bring his children safe from the fire. Had he thought necessary, he would come close to hold our hands explain to us on what's going on around. Hadn't those winter days been shorter, we wouldn't have survived.

Our minds would stop thinking, stop working and the world might seem a totally new place. There is no other way to explain the day as a rainy day and God’s grace as an umbrella that surrounds rather fills. There is the raw sunshine of "I'm alright in his hand", "He is faithful", "God gives and takes away" there are also clouds watered by tears, words like, "I'm not questioning you, but WHY, Lord?" "Do you know how it feels like?" I know you would know but Lord, it hurts. The weird moments when you don't know how to look at those you know so well. When all that you want to do is cry, cry like a baby there's the sweet mother's touch sent by Grace! That day will remain a memory though not a good one, the good grace that covered the day will surely remind us of Grace straight from heaven, sent anew that morning. When life's days does a roller coaster right before our eyes and that would be one roller coaster we would never want to get down from. The ride is far better than the feeling after it is over. Inevitably we have to come down, face the world outside the ride.

Whether we would breathe in oxygen or not we can ever live further without tasting Grace. Grace filled the room, filled the tears, held hands and kept God's word. Whenever it's raining in life, never forget that there is an umbrella that we need not carry!

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come.
'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.

A story to be told!

  It was a special day, my husband’s birthday and we were far from the city’s hustle but near the heart of the Western Ghats of India. We wo...