Quite the contrary is today’s scenario, people save their knowledge much more than they save their money and cars. This hints at a community which will have no source or access to the neighboring brain or heart. Hoarding knowledge is as harmful as hoarding rice grain during a famine. “An idea can change your life”, sometimes it can even save your life. Starting from simple things like where we get the best quality rice for an apt price, which ambulance is the best to call for in an area, or what should be eaten when you have a cold, to bigger things like where you get scholarships, the best insurance policy and the survey led information on how long you should sleep to have a healthy life, If Dan Brown could reach the world with fictional science, JK Rowling with Harry Potter why can't we the learned reach the world with true Science? If a movie could make one inappropriate word so prevalent, if it could influence culture, a way of life, increase the number of searches on a particular person or place why can’t real valid data be passed to influence culture and way of life which would ultimately improve the state of living.
On the other hand, the current sciences look like they concentrate more on publishing papers, earning credits, and Achieving, over communicating the results. Another important case is the issue with the patents. If Penicillin was patented by Alexander, the wheel patented by the Mesopotamians, or the digit zero patented by Aryabhata (Lol) then where would we go learn math or, etc. Inspiring is the story of Alexander Flemming who not only discovered the antibiotic penicillin but also gave it freely for the benefit of mankind. The system of patenting though preserves the originality avoids plagiarism and proves authenticity, the greatest setback is the withholding of valid information and prevention of important information from revelation due to lack of goodwill or busy participation in the rat race therein. If such a system had existed during times lost long ago then we would not have had what we have these days. If today’s system is like that then our future generations will not have all that they would have had if the system had better not existed. I hope it makes sense! All through our fables and fairy tales teach us that unity is strength, our modern techniques, and tools of management have seemed to replace the age old facts. The power, might, and effectuality of Science lies in the hands of those who KNOW, and if those tender hands plead for proprietorship and performance over propagation and passion then the power of Science either lies dormant without use or lies at the price of a costly membership to a set part of the world.
If only, WE the learned had expressed the right way of using antibiotics we wouldn't now be facing a huge distress over the issue of antibiotic resistance. I really do wonder how India managed to get its independence without WhatsApp, a million phone calls or Skype conferences between renowned freedom fighters. Everything went on well, although it took time. But now WhatsApp, we can make a million phone calls, and hold Skype conferences but are we ready to share what we know to guide the world, after all are people ready to listen to those who have something worthwhile to say? What is wrong? Is it communication? Aren't we humans capable of passing information to any corner of the world in the twinkle of an eye? What is wrong? Is it inequality that separates our round world into cubicles? Cubicles of Science, cubicles of molecular biology, cubicles of yoga, cubicles of politics, cubicles of religion, cubicles of adultery, cubicles of assassination, cubicles of poverty, cubicles of power, cubicles of love.... and a computer in every cubicle!