Monday 31 July 2017

Don't let your Heart become weak. Sleep. Or it'll become uncomfortable for me, in there.

Don't let your Heart become weak.


Or it'll become uncomfortable for me, in there.

Dear family of the human species, how long do you sleep? Does the extra penny you earn, eating your sleep fetch you the extra pennies in your pocket? Think again. If sleep is the only time you can rent, think again. Do you think we humans have also evolved to be at pace with the technology we have created?
Let me bring to light certain truths that have addressed this issue of sleep.✨✨

For a long time, I’ve heard from loved ones that lack of sleep causes this, lack of sleep causes that, but I did not take it seriously till I directly saw a lot of young souls who vibrantly spent their lives, dying! Yes, we would have heard or read of 11 effects of sleep deprivation, 13 consequences of not sleeping well, or even 25 things you’d lose in life if you’re sleep deprived. Interestingly we overlook the most significant consequence, though it’s purely evident. That one most significant matter is early death! The slow measures of high blood pressure, gain in weight, reduced immunity and the numerous other factors contribute to the inevitable end of life, Death much earlier, than the final stop in the journey of life.In simpler terms, if High BP, weight gain, and stress levels do not motivate us to sleep enough, Bigger and likelier terms like Heart attack, Stroke and Death must do the job.

"Lack of sleep doesn't necessarily cause heart disease; It really increases the risk factors for heart disease." Says Phyllis Zee, MD, Ph.D., professor of neurology and director of the Sleep Disorders Program at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine.
 "It's pretty safe advice for the majority of people that sleeping less than six hours a night is probably not good," Lauderdale says (Diane Lauderdale, Ph.D., professor of epidemiology at the university's Pritzker School of Medicine.)

 The entire sleep stress stuff could be narrowed down scientifically, metaphorically, emotionally to the statement, SLEEP DEGENERATES YOUR HEART. Scientifically, because recent studies have proved that the health of the heart is drastically deteriorated by the lack of sleep. Metaphorically, because your heart is the reason for most of the choices and decisions that your life is a result of. Emotionally, because your heart carries all your loved ones much within itself!

We, the people of the 21st century, are well accustomed to getting things done easily with the help of machines, which we look at much more frequently than we look at our human counterparts. Subtly our minds may have taught us that we can work just like machines do. Fortunately, we aren’t machines that work 24/7 when a battery with power is switched on. We are human beings who were not made of chips and batteries but, flesh and blood. We were not created by human hands that utilize the maximum potential of the running machines and then send them to the Landfill with other spare parts. Instead, we were created by a God who prepared for us a Sabbath day of rest and furnished each day with hours of sleep!
Have you ever imagined a life without weekends, how would the world have been if only we did not have the concept of Sundays? Much similar is a day without sleep. (Also try imagining a life without sleep๐Ÿ˜œ) Our bodies are not destined to work around the clock or calendar but work with diminishing grains in a sand clock.

Bottom line: Fewer hours of sleep makes your heart weak, and gets you prone to heart diseases at much earlier times of life. How many times have we heard people ask us to sleep enough for the sake of our body's and brain's health? What really stops us from following what we know is good and true?

 After adding the above information to the pool of Knowledge that everyone reading this write up would already have, I only wish to penetrate into your hearts this one thing, consequences of not sleeping well is in no way a match for the small blissful or the not so blissful time that you spend during the times that you have to sleep! Doing this can be compared to missing a Mountain ๐ŸŒ‹ of longer life with better health to share with your loved ones, over a small Rock of keeping up to date, night life fun and all the other factors that powerfully influence you to rent your sleep hours.

 By saying this, I’m not just talking about quantity but also about the quality of time that you invest yourself in. This write up is only to advocate the practice of sleeping better, and the occasional late night fun, can be reserved for your loved ones with utmost sincerity ๐Ÿ˜Š If you think of Sleep as a waste of time, think again. Sleep is much more an investment for a quality life than almost anything in comparison!
Another concept that pretty much fits in is this. As much as a Noble person decides to quit on sleep for Noble reasons chronically, so much does a man who decides to sip on alcohol, so much does a man who decides to smoke cigars, and so much does a man who sleeps on drugs. (Here I’m not specifying Woman, due to literary reasons, however, it applies the same๐Ÿ˜ฏ. Also, all these stated above, have different mechanisms of making the Body you live in, its prey)  The consequences remain closely the same, unfortunately, however true your cause may be!

 Consequences that I have mentioned below, not in terms of biology, medicine, heart, and health but in terms of what you really might miss out in life!

If only you had known how much my world would change without you, you wouldn't have left early, but you did not know, and it’s okay that you did not know. - A child's voice

If only you had known, honey how much we loved each other in spite of us not telling each other, you would not have stayed in office any longer. But it's a mistake we did not know. - A spouse's cry.

If only you had known, Dear child, that when you're not here anymore but your womb is still alive. I don't feel like existing in this world – A mother’s cry.

If only you had known......... Well. Now you know, Cheer up and sleep well… Good night…. zzz

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