Sunday 11 March 2018

the last Pizza

#the last Pizza

Last year about this time(the time of writing, May or June probably. This post was in my draft for quite a long timeπŸ˜…), when I had my hard-core lessons on waiting, this thing took place. I was explaining to my aunt about waiting, I was talking deep theology lessons on practical waiting. I did have a few worthwhile experiences so I shared them with her so she could share hers too. My dad was patiently listening to all my explanations and didn't even bother to say a word. These fathers, or maybe generally men don't seem to listen to every word you say, they don't even have a face that shows they're listening to you but they have both their ears, heart and all they could offer to your seemingly unimportant conversation. They almost always keenly pay attention to your every word😌.

 I'm not sure how many days passed by from that phone call with my aunt when my dad showed me his mobile phone and said that there was an offer on Domino's (the local pizza delivery shop) that day. He wanted me to order a pizza if I'd like it. The offer was specific to online orders. I was happy, and I started to think on what pizza I should order. After I cornered on one of my favorites, I took my phone and tried to book it online. I'm not sure if the fault was on my phone, but I couldn't order it online, then I tried it on my laptop, that failed too. Trust me I would've tried more than thrice. Looking at my frustration, Dad asked me to call and place an order instead of doing it online. He didn't mind the offer now, he wanted me to be happy!

I called the shop to place my order, the person on the receiving side misheard my address and said he couldn't deliver the pizza, refusing to take the order. All this had taken its toll on me. I told my Dad, I don't want a pizza; in addition, I started crying and exclaimed to my mystified parents that it was a test for me. I told them it was something between me and God. They looked expressionless as they watched me cry, walking to the room and straight to the bed. I think I slept for around 2 hours. I don't remember if my mom woke me up or I woke myself up but when I was awake, I saw 2 pizzas and my favorite choco lava cake too. My father had walked to the shop to get me those. (He was already sick at that time and the shop is a bus stop away).

Then, it was my father's turn to lay down his golden words. All that you want might not be yours immediately, you got to wait. That look on his face when he reminded me of my own words to my aunt struck me hard. Moments in life where you actually learn to practice what you preach are the best lessons you learn in life. There's a lot more I could right now preach on Waiting and theorize such concepts, but God teaches us through waiting, a lot of lessons for life! If waiting is the phase of life you're in, right now you've got a whole lot of people for your company. Be reminded that there's a lot of Working... in our Waiting...

And if God wanted me to experience his love as a Father, he kept my father to teach me. Just like our fathers who would love to look up an offer for us; whose minds will be struck by our thoughts when they see something we love; whose feet won't cry when they'll have to walk a bit more for us; whose eyes would only be satisfied in seeing us happy; whose lives, though not all times, portray their creator who is a Father to all of us. Such is the love of an earthly Father, and so much more is the love of the Heavenly! 

The Bible says in Matthew 7:9-11 (ESV)
7“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

A song to give your ears to, if you're in that waiting phase of Life! -

Thursday 1 March 2018



Faith is not what it looks like
In fact faith can't be looked at πŸ˜…

Faith is invisible
But faith can be seen πŸ‘€

Faith is not a feeling
Faith is a fact

Faith cannot be understood
Faith cannot be taught πŸ“–

Faith can be believed 

Faith is not about guarantee

Faith is about knowing


Faith cannot be measured
Faith can grow πŸŒ±

Faith cannot be transferred

Faith can move

Faith can be felt

Faith can lift
Faith can lighten

Faith holds on 
Faith lets go

Faith heals
Faith binds

Faith dwells with nothing
Faith has got everything

Faith can move mountains πŸŒ‹
Faith can cross seas πŸŒŠ 

Faith makes us whole
Faith closes holes

Faith covers fear
Faith covers doubts

Faith is a blessing
Faith is a call

Faith can remember
Faith can remind

Faith can be frail
Faith can be firm

faith may not make sense 
faith is true

Faith cannot faIl
If placed on God! πŸ’ͺ

Words may not suffice
to tell what faith is!

P.S: I have written a 50 liner but I'm sure it's not enough, if you can contribute, leave a comment I'm sure together, we can make it hard to count the lines!

A story to be told!

  It was a special day, my husband’s birthday and we were far from the city’s hustle but near the heart of the Western Ghats of India. We wo...