Monday 27 August 2018

Love is to spare!

Love is to spare…

An aunty, who I heard speak to a group of high school children, narrated an incident from her life which moved me to write what I have written.  

                                   The aunty I spoke of had a brother by whom she had been hurt and she never felt like forgiving him. When she received calls from him, she refused to attend them. Even after repeated attempts by her brother, she was not moved but only flared up. Due to unavoidable circumstances she received the call and spoke as angrily as she could and kept the receiver without waiting for his response. Little did she feel bad for it because of the heights of the anger she had inside. A few days had passed and there was another phone call, this time her Father in law attended the call and he cried out in shock and pain. This phone call carried the news of her brother’s death! Whether she chose to forgive him, love him or hurt him did not matter ANY MORE.

                                 The love between a brother and a sister is immeasurable; I’ve always known and cherished the fact. It is almost impossible for them to remain in anger, but who knows hate and anger lies subtly sown in hearts when the better acts of love may remain buried. I found it too difficult to grasp this incident because of the extents of emotional pain this might have caused to the receiver and the giver. That aunty I spoke of still gets her chills whenever she hears the same kind of ring on the landline telephones used those days. I guess she learnt it the hard way. How long will it take till we may face a similar situation? Think about the small things that make us angry even with people we know we love too badly, the small fights that keep us from talking, the simple misunderstandings resulting in fully loaded anger which becomes bitter as days pass by.

Love is to spare, to have and to hold.

Hate is to throw away, to burn and to blow.

I know that this is what everybody says, that this is what everybody knows but we never really realize how much we miss if we don’t do what we know we should! We never really realize before the time is up, before everything’s down. So let’s take a step to show genuine love, a love that has no hate, a love that forgives!

Let Love be sincere!

                             Practically speaking, make an honest effort to be more loving than you can. And when you ultimately fail, get yourselves reminded of the beautiful and only worthy embodiment of love, God himself.

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”1 John 4:8 (The Bible)
So if you’re worried that you can’t show the utmost love you wished you'd show, you must realize that the problem lies in the fact that you do not know God, who himself is Love.

By the way, do you know what Love is, for you to spare love? Here's what the Bible says.

 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 
I have tried this and I hope you can: If there’s a trying situation and you are tempted to give in to anger, just recite the first line, “Love is patient, love is kind.” Most of the situations are won over by then; if it persists try all the lines!

I wish to keep it short as I would like the maximum number of people to read it. (Some get demotivated when they see long write ups 😜)

A song to inspire: Point Of Grace - How You Live [Turn Up The Music]

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