Wednesday 2 January 2019

Another New Year?

What makes a new year’s beginning happy, is it because it is another holiday, another new dress day or another good food day? What makes the end of a 365 day journey different from any other sun rising day? Is it not the new hope that arises that day, wherein we hope to make things better than the last 365 days we had just walked through? Isn’t this the reason behind trying to make New Year Resolutions?

Of late, we have always grown fond of “doing things” and forgetting the reason for which we do it. For instance, we eat food and forget that we eat it to maintain our body’s well being and make ourselves indulge in it for the taste of the food eaten. Another more apt example, we go out with family and friends to spend quality time and end up taking good background pictures for our social updates. The point here is: the taste could be additional but must not take the place of the well being and the pictures are to be memory and not mandatory!

Coming back to the point, now a days the first day of the new year has become a grand affair, a reason to celebrate, another holiday, another day to wish each other but maybe not looked upon as an opportunity to renew, to change, to rekindle, to renovate etc..

What is the point in starting a New Year if we are going to dwell on the same old things? If we are going to continue a life of cheating, of lying, of purposelessness, of hopelessness, of waywardness, of uncleanness, of unending running and chasing; we might as well dwell in the previous year and its ways itself. Shouldn’t a new year bring in a new perspective, a new adventure, a new life, a new expectation, a new awaiting, a new goal or the like? A new year isn’t worth celebrating if we are going to continue in the same old life of… (the above stated things)

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Here is a blessing to all in Christ, that no matter what, if you are in Christ, the old has no power over you, whether you live in the yesteryear or in the upcoming. Since an opportunity knocks, let’s take a moment to look back, to reconcile our “selves” to God our maker, to ourselves and to others. To see that extra smile on a loved one’s face, to walk that extra mile with someone, to work like you serve the higher purpose, to pursue that one childhood dream, to hope against hope because there is a God to believe in, there is a Heavenly Father to rely on, there is a wonderful counselor to hear from, there is a friend to speak to and in Him lies everything to make us new and whole.

This new year, let us try to make the God who gave us the extra year, feel like it was worth giving.

Facing the next challenge, what if nothing is new in life? What if the monotonous and mundane cycle just keeps repeating? What if there’s too much loss from the previous year that holding on to one day is in itself too hard? What if making money and holding the job alone stands as the art of living? What if, what if..?

Humanely speaking, these are true and almost all of us feel it at some point, Hold on, there’s still hope and there’s a choice. The hope is that: You can choose to arise and trust or you can stay where you are and wait for the next year to come.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

There is always something new at the feet of God, always an expectation of joy when we expect from God; for we can never exhaust his mercies, they are new every morning, fresh from the garden of God. According to the verse above, every day has a new mercy, a new strength, a new knowledge and these reserves never run out.

Even if in the valley, we can climb out of it; if in the orbit with the Son at the center, then throughout your year's revolution, your rotatory joy remains. But if you're on the pendulum tied to a string only oscillation remains. Revolving or oscillating?

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your writings, Emy. Keep it up! God bless you


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