Saturday 25 July 2020

In HIS Garden

In His Garden


                                                             Recently, for a good occasion, our house became the home of a few plants. We became the caretakers of the lovely inhabitants at home. The first day was a lot of excitement with oohs and aahs. But as they began acclimatizing to their new surroundings, we started feeling the heat. Some needed sunlight, some couldn’t bear much light, some needed lots of water, others a little and still others didn’t really care if they were watered. There was the touch me not, loved by kids who touched it a lot. There were lovely roses, the money plant for which we needn’t spend anything and the others that needed our heart, soul and hands.


                                                             Just in say, four days one plant that I named droopy was so tired and almost lost all of its energy that evening. Mom had checked the plant that morning and it had been good. But here just a few hours later, it was drooping. On further thinking mom and I decided to water it(that’s the only thing we know to do). Again within an hour it became lush green giving us great joy as we congratulated each other on our victory of making droopy alive again. Ever since, even if the others are watered a bit late, droopy is watered as soon as we wake up. Droopy needs our extra care and so we take an extra step.



                                                                  The roses, oh the fuss they carry. Everything about them is so delicate, that I wish to name them delicate darlings, but not yet. The red rose was something we all were waiting to bloom. On the day of its bloom or close, it faded. We left it for a day to see what happens and then, the whole plant, the entire plant was eaten up by a “plant eater” I have no idea what kind it is. Money plant, no problem, Thank God, those are low maintenance stress free plants, aloe doing good, jasmines slowly better. Hibiscus good enough. Checking on them has become part of the schedule now as if they were babies that needed our tending. True, these days we keep a check on all these plants to make sure droopy has enough water, roses are not eaten, jasmine’s branches are not broken, climbers have place to climb, so on and so forth.


                                                    This suddenly reminded me of God’s big garden with all his children, each crying for attention in their own way. While I need a nineteen confirmations over something God has already told me about, another one may swiftly jump into a beautiful promise and wonder why there are pretty many obstacles. One could be John trying to just find rest in the Saviour while the others quickly drawing their swords to kill their persecutors. One could be crying and weeping and still getting closer and the other crying and singing and also getting closer. One needs to hear everyday that His sweet Saviour is with Him while another already knows so much that he carries it to the other one. One needs regular warnings regarding the way not to be taken and the other one that is careful enough and stands as a traffic signal.


                                         A special mention about the creepers that need to cling on to something, oh the helplessness they carry and the way they depend on me reminds exactly of the helplessness I carry and the way I actually depend on Him. It is good to learn from the creation about the creator. We all must become caretakers of at least one plant, I guess. Money plant, succulents, best option so far! (low maintenance) Oh to be a part of God’s garden gives such pleasure to me.To be taken care of by the master planter, great creator, the best Gardener in the whole wide world who knows exactly when to water, how much to water, which nutrient I need and which one is eating me up.



Well, there is pruning too but the gardener does it so we may give more fruit. Hang on if you’re still in there, you’re in great hands.



  1. Really wonderful I enjoyed it share the pictures of the plantations

  2. Droopy would be happy to have you :):)


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